Wild Blue Bug

Full Circle?… full circle.
November 12, 2011, 12:53 pm
Filed under: Business | Tags: , , , ,

It seems I had spent the last year and a half doing everything but photography and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. Sounds a bit cheesy to me to say that my soul felt empty, but looking back now I see the void.

Don’t get me wrong though, the last year has been great! I got married in June (on the Summer Solstice) to a handsome, hardworking man whom I love to pieces. I also started working part-time as the Executive Director for a non-profit last March. This new position has invigorated me! And I feel like I’m actually making a difference in the community. It was this position that became the catalyst for my returning to my passion, photography.

I had an idea of doing a Minturn Mutts Calendar (mountain town = lots of dog owners) when I first moved here. Photography was still fresh on the brain. But I put this project off for other things. I reignited the vision as a fundraiser for the non-profit and was turned down. I had done all the work for it. Just didn’t have the means to execute. This project continued to eat away at me…I knew it was a good idea, I just didn’t have the extra income to support it upfront. So I brainstormed ways to earn some extra income and decided I could do some photography on the side. And it worked.

I contacted a property management company about doing photos of their properties at a reasonable fee. And it worked.

My photography confidence must have been showing again because shortly after I booked a local job photographing a business. The photo below is from this session. It’s my full circle.

I’m now beginning to book into 2012 and am looking into opening a storefront! My plate is full, my soul is full.

'the open space' in Minturn, Colorado

6 month check-up

So it’s been a little over 6 months since I moved from Maryland to Colorado and challenging to say the least (family sickness, getting sued (we won), crazy snow, new debt, etc.).  I have not officially started up the photography business again, however, I have been taking photographs for money.  Does that makes sense?

After a recent inquiry for a couples portrait session, I was inspired to check-in to let you know what I’ve been up to!

I met a really cool gal named Rebecca (@rebeccaruck) on Twitter before I even moved from Maryland.  She was really helpful in helping me get my bearings in the mountains of Colorado.  We hit it off (though I think she gets along with everybody) and she invited me to help her with her social media & internet marketing business called Mobloggy.  It’s been fun and the extra money has been awesome.  Ideally, her business will continue to grow and there might be room for a full-time job with her.  I like social media and the creativity behind it.  It has been fun doing some product photography for her business as well.

In the meantime, I have realized that I needed to complete my degree (completion this month! with a BS in Liberal Arts).  Though I love working with Mobloggy, until it’s steadier work, I need to keep my options open for full-time work that will pay the bills once my alimony is up at the end of June.  TMI? 🙂  Well, I consider myself an open book.  Just check out my Twitter account to see that 😉 (@wildbluebug).  I have thought about marketing the photography business full-time, but I have not yet landed on a solid decision. … Something to do with turning what I love into full-time employment that makes me worried I’ll start looking at it differently.

David (my fiance) is very married to his job so our first goal is to stay in the area.  The rub right now is an existing mortgage in Maryland and slim-pickings on employment in the Vail Valley for me (local paper had 43 total jobs posted).  I hear a lot of ‘locals’ have an extra job to make ends meet.  Though winter has been a new experience for us (I truly understand the meaning of winter doldrums now)…I think we’ll know what to expect next year and can plan for a plow to dig us out of these feets of snow and I can prepare to not have easy access to my family in Denver during certain months of the year!

For now, it’s just a matter of finding a renter for the house in Laurel, Maryland and a decent, steady income for me before the end of June.  Here’s my resume just in case! 😉 And yes, I’d love to take your photographs for a small fee.

Oh!  Almost forgot to mention that I’m still one that likes to have a lot on my plate (sometimes against my better judgement).  I am a volunteer DJ at Radio Free Minturn (Wild Blue Bug’s Lunch Ladies) and I have started an Ignite Vail project that has recently been accepted by KickStarter.com (luckily I have help with this project).  I am still the Vail Photography Examiner but have put that on the back burner lately. I need to have some fun even if my stress levels are reaching a new high…and to me, these side projects are pure fun.

Until next time…

Cheers! –Jodi aka Wild Blue Bug

Once Upon A Time I was the photographer for Ignite Baltimore

I’m moving to Edwards, Colorado!
June 3, 2010, 8:59 pm
Filed under: Business, Ramblings | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Life is crazy but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Just learned a week ago that my boyfriend, David, got a transfer to Avon, CO. He asked me to go with him.

The crazy part? He starts work on June 14th…giving us only 2 weeks to pack up our lives in Maryland. Well, here I am with 1 week left and I have yet to pack one box.
I am having a packing party this weekend. So tomorrow will be spent getting boxes and buying some food and drink as rewards to my awesome help!
I’m not sure what will happen for me in Edwards but I am optimistic that I will find my niche and love it.
The hope is that I will be able to continue my photography business out there…and maybe, my dream, of opening up a storefront in time for the big tourist season.
Here’s hopin! I’ll keep you posted here for now…or visit me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/wildbluebugfan

p.s.  I edited my last Maryland session today.  Made me a little sad…but here’s a peek at what made me smile during the processing.

How to critique a photograph
September 21, 2009, 8:33 pm
Filed under: Business, Getting Started | Tags: , ,

As seen on Examiner.com

You don’t have to know a lot about photography to critique a photograph. When you visit a museum you know what moves you in a painting even if you can’t identify the type of brush stroke or paint used.

Photography is also subjective. So in order to give a worthwhile critique of someone else’s art be sure to have the desire to help honestly and constructively. It also helps if you have at least one functioning eye. Poor presentation can take away from the photograph, so be sure you are evaluating on a decent monitor, projector screen, or print.

Any skill level can critique. There are some words and phrases to avoid a poor critique. For example, “hate”, “yuck” and “eww” would not be appropriate. Basically avoid saying anything you wouldn’t want said to or about your favorite thing/person in the universe.

There are also some phrases to avoid unless you expand on them. For example, “I like it”, “that’s good”, “very nice”, “holy cow”, “I don’t like it”, “It’s alright”, “not my taste” and “oh, cool” won’t help the artist improve. Instead of just saying, “I like it,” tell the artist why you like it.

Even if you are not technically equipped to evaluate the light or if the artist followed the rules, there are questions you can ask yourself that will help you expand your feedback beyond “that’s nice.”

  • How does the photograph make you feel or think?
  • Direction of Attention: What do you see first in the photograph? The right thing?
  • What do you like? Dislike?
  • Color: Was their choice to use or not use color sound?
  • Composition: Does it work, even if they didn’t follow the rules?
  • Focus: works, doesn’t work?
  • Exposure: over/under? Artistic license?
  • Effort: Could they have done more with what they had in front of them?

Start by evaluating your own photographs with these questions. Developing your own set of criteria can also help you remain subjective if you are evaluating multiple pieces. The photo below shows a simple critique form developed for the Creative Exposure Baltimore photography meetup group to aid in a monthly photo contest. Note: the monthly winner will now appear on Examiner.com.

created by Jodi Born

created by Jodi Born

For more info: jodi@wildbluebug.com

Supporting the .org through photography

If you have checked out the US section on my website, you’ll see  a place that lists the organizations I support.  The key ingredient, “Helping Each Other.”  Word of mouth has always been my number one marketing tool, but I never underestimate the power of positive karma! 🙂 

I still offer FREE re-enlistment and retirement ceremony photographs to include a free CD to any military members as a small token of my appreciation.  But I also recognize the value in helping out other organizations that don’t always have the funds, but definitely have the need  for a professional photographer.

I’m proud to say I’m supporting the following organizations in the coming months.  I have included their Facebook link as well for my social networking fans.  These two organizations could use your support and/or volunteer time.  They both give back to their community in very special ways and I’m thrilled I can do my part to help.


The Arc of MarylandIn April, Wild Blue Bug Photography will the official photographer for the awards ceremony honoring businesses who have supported The Arc of Maryland.  Please take a moment to check out their website and understand what The Arc of Maryland is all about!





On May 1st, Wild Blue Bug Photography will be a tee sponsor for the 4th Annual “Old Joe” Charity Golf Tournament benefitting the welfare and scholarship programs of the Fort George G. Meade OWC.


I will be photographing foursomes at my designated tee at the Courses at Fort Meade. Players will receive a digital image of their foursome as a free gift for participating at this charity event.

You can register for the event as a sponsor or player or just lunch…and you can donate for a soldier to play through the main website at http://www.fortmeadeowc.org


I hope you find your passion and get to share it with others!  Cheers!  ~Jodi 

I had a blast at my first Portrait Party
February 13, 2009, 10:08 pm
Filed under: Business, Ramblings

I couldn’t have asked for a better day!  Though if I do this again, I don’t think I’ll take on the challenge of cooking my own food.  My skills are minimal, although I now know I can make a mean dip and salsa.  I am glad it occurred to me to give the kiddos in the morning session something to occupy them for a bit.  Blank paper, crayons, silly hats and juice boxes go a long way!  I was lucky to have a budding photographer help me that day and she captured some great candids of the event and helped me with a few sessions when the kiddos were involved.  And for the adults I had a mock game of Price is Right that included chocolate prizes and one cash prize game.  My impression is they had a good time as all but two attendees for both sessions bought their photographs.  I think everyone liked their “take-away” gift boxes that included a Union Street Soapworks Healing Bar, chocolate, Love charm, and rose scented votive.  I’ll post a few of the portraits below…

And in other news..I started a Facebook Fan Page!  I’m such a computer nerd and so addicted to social networking and media that I couldn’t help myself when I saw a fellow business owner start one.  Hope to see you there!  FAN PAGE

Special Valentine Specials
February 4, 2009, 6:35 pm
Filed under: Business | Tags: , , ,

These were released to my Portrait Party attendees, but I thought I would pass these on to everyone! These are good thru the end of February! If you’re thinking about scheduling a future session, buy your session now and receive 20% off!

Good Thru February 28, 2009

Good Thru February 28, 2009

A Valentine Portrait Party for 2009
January 4, 2009, 3:45 pm
Filed under: Business | Tags: , , ,

Not all of the holiday parties are complete!  I’m hosting my first Valentine Portrait Party at the end of the month.  Folks can come to a morning or evening session, grab some munchies, make conversation, have fun, and most of all let me photograph them for a gift for their Valentine.  The event is on January 30th…so after…folks will have a full two weeks to make their selections and get their present ready.  I’m excited to see how things will turn out!  I’m not worried about the photographs, just about how the actual party will turn out!  I’m not charging any fees upfront…so no obligations to buy.  They can just view their sessions online and decide from there!  Below is the ad I’m putting in the local spouses club newsletter.  The portraits are from a very recent session with family members.  These lovely ladies are my Aunts…and my Mom aka Momo!  I hope I don’t need a model release for them 🙂

By the way…Happy New Year!  You know what you need to do to make it great.


A Valentine Portrait Party

A Valentine Portrait Party